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3 Things You Must Do If You Want To Create Sales Pages, Mini


by: Jim Kelley
Almost everyone I have known since getting on-line five years ago
has a driven ambition to design their own web site or sales pages
for some project of theirs. Yours is a special design or article
that makes it tough to design everyday web-pages for it seems.
But thru the years what I call "html" blues has stopped more than
one project to fold. The endless 'TESTING' to make sure
everything works as designed has caused more than one to turn
away from a profitable career on-line. This program is designed
to create perfect code EVERY TIME. All you have to do is copy and
paste to your page or site for publication. I really wish I had
this when I first started out a 'newbie' I would have had more
hair now!!!

1. Hire a professional, do a lot of study time, or use a program
like mine to elimate the "html" blues caused by the trial and
error method that takes forever to get right for instant set-up
and use.

Unless you are computer literate, html trained, the strain of
completing the trial and error method will cause you to pull your
hair out! Plus if you have to 'hire' the work done by a
'professional' you are never really sure it only has what you
want programed to work in your space.

2. Plan, Plan, Plan, and just paste and copy!

With your own copy of Instant Site Maker you can 'experiment'
with all the ideas you have in mind and select the ones that work
best for you. With my program on your desktop it will be easy to
fill in your facts and paste and copy the correct code to your
web-site or page!

3. No experience needed to have PERFECT CODED pages and site
information in under two minutes!

The program offers a step by step process that takes all the
guess work from preparing your information in the correct format.
PLUS you will have RESELL RIGHTS to make an additional stream of
income from family and friends who do want to hire someone else
to solve their html blues, YOU!!

In closing I want to impress upon all the buyers of this program
the tremendous RESELL RIGHTS value of this program. Even if you
have never wanted to 'sell' anything on the Net your family,
friends, and associates could very well make this the 'best buy'
of your career!!

Please visit:http//www.seldomrest.com

About the Author

Jim Kelley has been marketing online for over eight years. He
leads a research group that tests new ideas and reports on
those that actually work. If you want to save time, save
money and learn what really works when it comes to making
money online, visit Jim at http://www.seldomrest.com

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10 Really Good Reasons to Quit Your Job and Start Your Own


by: Michael Katz
It’s been five years since I made the decision to leave my corporate job and start my own company. No question about it, leaving nice coworkers, a stable paycheck and 12 years of tenure with one company was the scariest thing I’d ever done. And yet looking back, it was the defining moment not only of my career, but of my personal development as well.

The fact is, I am now so enamored of blazing my own trail that I could never go back – I am hopelessly, incurably, unemployable.

As a result, I receive a steady stream of, “Can I buy you a cup of coffee?” invitations – from old colleagues, new friends, complete strangers – anybody who is considering a change, and who wants to know, “Why should I start my own business?” This is what I say:

1.You’ll dance to your own music. There’s a lot of noise in the corporate world. Not physical noise, but opinions, rules, history and a whole lot of, “that’s the way we do it around here,” always just an inch or two below the surface. In such a setting it’s hard to find your path, or as I like to say, “hear your own music.”

Once you’re on your own, you’ll suddenly begin to hear what’s there, and the more you can hear it and have the courage to follow it, the more enjoyable and yes, profitable your life will be. The fact is, there is no right way to live, to act or to grow a business.

2.You’ll never have to retire. Retiring is a strange concept to the satisfied, self-employed person. It implies that work is something you want to be done with, something you wish were over. When you truly find your passion however, the concept becomes meaningless. Do painters stop painting? Do musicians stop playing music? Do comedians stop being funny just because they’ve reached a certain age? Not if they are doing what they truly want to be doing. Sure, you may slow down or change focus as you get older, but the game is never over, since the game and your life will be one.

3.You’ll put your money where your mouth is. I never planned to start my own business, and I always secretly believed that I didn’t have the guts to be successful on my own. When I look back now, I’m not even sure how I managed to convince myself to leave the perceived safety of living within the protected walls of a large corporation. When I finally jumped however, I was surprised by the number of friends, former co-workers and family who remarked on my “courage.” Frankly, I’m not any braver now than I was before, but I know with certainty that I don’t need a corporation to take care of me (and neither do you).

4.You’ll no longer live in two worlds. I used to be two people: “corporate Michael” and “home life Michael.” Corporate Michael was less friendly, less intuitive and a lot less interesting. I found it easy to switch back and forth between the two Michaels, and for a long time it didn’t even strike me as odd that I would make decisions at work based on a completely different set of criteria regarding what was fair, what was smart or what was worth doing. That’s over – I’m now one person no matter what I do, and I have a more balanced, more humanistic approach to business.

5.You’ll know your own power. Swept up in the turmoil of working as part of a corporation, there’s a tendency to blame others, wait for others, think that others are making things happen. Working alone you’ll realize how much control you actually have (and have always had). That realization will give you the courage and drive to do more things than you ever dreamed of when you saw yourself as an insignificant part of a big machine. You’ll have nobody else to blame, and even more importantly, you will see how much credit you really do deserve for everything you’ve created.

6.You’ll be free to walk away. When you first start out on your own, you will probably be grateful for whatever business comes your way. The thought of “walking away” from a client may seem suicidal. It isn’t. As your reputation grows, people will approach you, ready to hand you their money and have you begin work. That’s terrific. However, in some cases, the fit won’t be there – something in your gut will tell you it’s a bad match. You will learn that you can say “no thank you” and walk away. Nobody assigns projects or clients or teammates to you anymore. You and only you decide who you work with and on what terms, and if it doesn’t feel right you need only say so.

7.You’ll make new friends. If you’ve been with the same company for a long time, you’ve probably developed several close relationships. You may be afraid that you’ll be lonely and isolated out here in the “cold cruel world.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Starting your own business gains you immediate entrance into a collegial world of fellow sole proprietors and entrepreneurs, eager to have you along for the ride. We hold meetings, we have events, we meet for lunch, we talk on the phone – we share ideas, support each other and hang out together. Price of admission: a friendly demeanor and a willingness to help other people find their way.

8.You’ll pick the players. Wherever you sit in a company, you’ve got people you interact with every day. Your boss, your direct reports, the head of the legal department, the desktop support guy, the receptionist. Hopefully you like and get along with most of these people, but whether you do or not, you’re stuck with each other. When you run your own company on the other hand, you pick who’s on the team. You get to choose your attorney, your accountant, your landlord, your printer, your partners, your clients – everybody in your daily life is there because you decided to put them there. You get to choose.

9.You’ll have real problems, instead of imaginary ones. In a corporate setting, your happiness and success is dependent upon dozens of intertwined relationships and handed-down decisions, any one of which can change your world in ways you may not anticipate or even understand. With so much out of your control, it’s hard not to spend time “What If-ing” and worrying about the future: “What’s my boss really think of me? What if I don’t get put in charge of that new project? What if they cut my budget next year?” Fear of what might happen can become worse than the situation itself – imaginary problems.

When you’re building your own business you’re immersed in reality. Sure, you may have days where you worry about paying the mortgage, but you’ll be in the game, fighting the good fight, and no longer obsessed with the possibility of being blindsided by an unforeseen shift in the corporate winds.

10.You’ll find your purpose. You didn’t come here to follow somebody else’s vision or sit on the sidelines watching the clock tick away until retirement. But somehow, somewhere along the way, you forgot. Now, after so many years of following the pack, you’ve come to see work as a place you go to earn enough money to do the things you really want to do. It doesn’t have to be that way. Working on your own will give you the freedom and focus to find the exhilarating, balanced, self-directed career you’ve always dreamed of.

One of my favorite quotes is from the book, The Artist's Way, and I've had it taped to the top of my computer monitor for the last five years: "Leap, and the net will appear.” Go ahead, I’ll be waiting for you.

About the Author

Michael J. Katz is Founder and Chief Penguin of Blue Penguin Development, Inc., (www.BluePenguinDevelopment.com) a Boston consulting firm that helps clients increase sales by showing
them how to nurture their existing relationships, and that specializes in the development of electronic newsletters. He is author of the book, E-Newsletters That Work.

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You Can SAVE your Dime When YOU Listen To The Voices of Exp


by: Don Monteith
Discover the pitfalls of owning your own business
BEFORE... [you make a BAD choice!]

It's really BIG dollars rather than dimes... at least that's my experience over many years. Thousands can be GONE quickly if you fail to plan and work your plan toward success. That said, the first step - baby size - should be at the 'feet' of one who has been there... done it!!

Invincible, right? If anyone can do it, I can!! Looking back over many years - 40 plus - it's written all over the decisions made during my early attempts at starting a new business. Yes, I spent most of my career as an entrepreneur, owning or co-owning a business. Sometimes for the 'right' reasons, at other times it turned 'south' and belly-up.

At the time it didn't seem like much... my first venture out of business college. 'Excited' to say the least. 21 years old, eager, energized, 'ready to roll' was more like it. NOTHING could go wrong, but it surely did.

Somebody [I won't call any names] sold us a bill of goods. Just beware, everyone is NOT truthful or trustworthy in business.

You need to know... that goes for Internet gurus too. Lots of hype but not much substance is often the case. Unfortunately, distance keeps you at arms-length long after your money is gone.

It's different when you have no personal [in the flesh] contact... you're usually thousands of miles apart and most often it's NO answer when you call.

Just be careful or your funds can/will be depleted in a flash. Been there - done that, too.

On the contrary, there is that 1% +/- group of Internet gurus as honest and trustworthy as you'll find anywhere. It's like ALL business dealings with homeowners - business owners - it pays to KNOW the reputation of the person and source in advance of spending your cash.


Lots of stuff happened... for 5 great years, I had a wonderful BOSS who was supportive to the utmost. Held an Administrative Executive spot on the management team; super staff personnel; private office; in the days when a good cigar was A-OK [those were the days!]

Today, it's beyond belief but times do change, sometimes for a cleaner office environment.

Anyway, the spark ignited again... about 6 months later, it was NOT
called the 'spark', but the 'torch' or a "call to disaster" - the beginning of a sad downhill slide without a parachute. This time I had a bride and 2 sons who required food and shelter... an added challenge for sure.

We made it, but certainly not on easy street as we had planned earlier.


NOT having a REALLY good reason to start a business should be warning enough - DON'T do it!!

Unfortunately, some of us think owning a business is the only way to hit the BIG time... fast cars, big houses, big income. For us it did turn out OK in the end, but many of our challenges could have been missed simply by being more patient and having a mentor team prior to our stepping off into deep water to sink or swim.


About 90% of business 'starts' end in failure. Why? Either it's a lack of financial support; no business knowledge; no skills or talent; and you can add your own list to mine. Doesn't really matter except when it's YOUR money; your time; your family; your future; just another statistic.

My pre-retirement business venture lasted 25 years and I highly recommend the entrepreneurial lifestyle... however, ONLY if you can discover something that you'll enjoy and love doing everyday rather than thinking it's all about making lots of money. The money will come if you're doing what God has intended for you to do.

In closing, you may enjoy reading a letter recently received from Ken McArthur, an internet friend of mine who discovered an exceptional insight about business owners from Mark Joyner, likely the most successful internet guru of the decade.

To give you some idea about Mark and his expertise... other executives pay him $2,000 an hour to consult with them on how to grow their business.

Here's the link to Ken's letter: http://www.learningfolder.com/mark3.htm that I wanted to share with you for your perusal.

About the author:
You'll want to check out Don's career path website with lots of FREE ideas to Discover your dream job or new business venture. http://www.Career-Coaching-Central.com

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The Lead - Up to The Irish Driving Test


by: Robin Piggott

First of all let us say categorically, that passing the Driving Test is only the beginning of your driving career irrespective of how well you do on the day of the exam. It is going to take the average novice driver maybe three years of constant, regular driving, before he or she can then say “I am now becoming an experienced driver. Please notice the emphasis on the word “becoming”. Arrival on the Experienced Driver Podium will take much longer.

I guess it really depends on the amount of driving one undertakes on a daily, weekly basis, the level of night-time driving, and also the traffic conditions during daily sorties will dictate how long this learning experience will take. To paraphrase Robert Oppenheimer, the inventor of the Atomic bomb….. “I am become a destroyer of worlds” This could be applied to many learner drivers who pass their Driving Test and then proceed to total their cars and those of other drivers in the weeks and months following the Test.

Passing the Driving Test is a combination of basic driving skills, positive attitude, detailed preparation, attention to detail, practise in the general area where Tests are undertaken and plenty of in-depth Instruction by a Driving School. The need for professional instruction cannot be underestimated and the insider information imparted to the pupil by the Instructor will give a Test candidate the best possible chance of a positive result.

Many of these aspects are ignored by Test candidates and we will explore in greater detail what will be required throughout the remainder of the text. There are numerous details to be attended to during this preparation and if the candidate takes these on board with a positive focus, a good result with ensue.

We will have a look at the aspects of the car that need to be checked:-

Tyres……… Tyres need to be in good condition with well above legal limit tread depth and with no cuts, splits or bulges to the sidewall.

The tyres with the best treads should always be on the front axle and this is something that should be regarded as an essential part of your weekly technical check. Tyre pressures should be according to the tyre specification since incorrectly inflated tyres are not only unsafe but will wear out very quickly and give an uncomfortable ride.

Lights and Indicators……All brake lights and indicators should be functioning correctly and lenses must be damage –free and clean. Its really important to carry a couple of spare bulbs in your emergency kit for last minute replacement since they can blow at any time and a failed brake light or indicator will mean that the Test will not be carried out.

Loose Items ……..All loose items in the car (and who doesn’t have them?) should be removed but rear head rests, if fitted, must be retained despite their obstruction of the rear windscreen. The fad for having dangly spiders, furry dice and nodding dogs on the rear parcel shelf is not the way to create an impression with the Driving Examiner and block vision .

In fact I always cringe when I see these in cars, particularly those that are obviously driven by learner drivers. It is also a particularly dangerous sport to be driving as a learner Driver and not displaying L Plates .I am always amazed at pupils who turn up for pre test lessons in their own cars with no L plates .

The number of excuses would fill the chapter of a book. It’s a sad reflection that basic driving laws are flouted continually by learner Drivers but even worse is the all too common sight of Learner Drivers under tuition with so called Instructors who actually drive out of Test Centres with no L Plates showing. It shows a disregard for the Law and the need for superb driving skills and the need for concentration. Of course mobile phones should be switched off and out of sight.

Windscreens and mirrors…..These should be crack-free and clean.

Service …….Its a good idea to have the Car serviced prior to your test and any technical problems that you have been putting off getting fixed should be dealt with .If an Instrument warning light comes on during a Test due to mechanical problems then the Test will be aborted by the Examiner.

Paperwork……..Insurance disc, Road Tax disc and N.C.T. certificate, if appropriate need to be in place and readable. If any of these are faded and unreadable the Test will be cancelled .Change of ownership of vehicles close to the Driving Test appointment, leading to lack of documentation for whatever reason, will lead to the Test being cancelled by the Tester. Nothing other than the original .official documents will be accepted so it’s important not to leave anything to chance.

Provisional License………..A current Irish provisional license is required in order to sit the Irish Driving Test, Foreign licenses from countries outside the EU will not be accepted .It is also worth pointing out that in order to be issued with a Provisional Licence one must first pass the Driver Theory Test. All these aspects take time to complete and so it’s not something that you can accomplish in a couple of days and require thought and planning .Details of the provisional licence and theory test requirements can be found on the Astral Driving School web site; details at the end of this article .

Perhaps all of this might seem just another load of bureaucracy but it indicates the importance and the level of concern that is placed on the acquisition of an Irish Driving Licence by the Authorities. European legislation continues to fuel the changes to driving laws and there are a considerable amount of new laws in the can which are about to be rolled out. We are talking about Speed cameras Nationwide, the full implementation of the penalty points system, a dedicated Garda Traffic Corps, and mandatory tuition in line with most other European Countries. The regulation, examination and monitoring of Driving Instructors is another aspect currently about to be introduced and all of the above is destined to make a coordinated improvement to our horrific road Traffic accident statistics.

The Driver…. There are occasions when, when on the days leading up to the Driving Test disaster strikes… a change of car, a mechanical problem which cannot be resolved in time, or even an accident on the way to the Test. This latter happened to a pupil of mine recently, who, while trying to circumvent the long Driving Test waiting list by driving half way across the country to a strange Town, had a contretemps with a rather large truck. The moral here for Irish drivers is that it is not a good idea to attempt a Driving Test, miles away from your home location. It requires a good deal of practise and familiarisation of the area and test routes close to your chosen centre to give you a good chance of passing first time.

What we are not saying is that practise on Test Routes will guarantee success nor are we saying that by practising on Test Routes till the cows come home will take the place of good basic skills and professional Driving lessons .It is just one of the ways that a keen learner driver can tip the balance in his or her favour. Another important tip is to reconnoitre the general area in the few days before the Test and again on the day of the Test if that’s possible to check for major road or building works which could create a difficult situation that may not be handled to the Examiner’s satisfaction.

In Limerick as in many parts of the Country there are significant building, drainage and other projects going on continually, resulting in much road network disruption. In fact I have often felt that Limerick was the most dug-up City in the Universe. I am sure it’s all necessary and we will all benefit in the long run. It is not uncommon for a really excellent pupil who has all the hallmarks of becoming a courteous and skilful driver and who is deserving of Driving Test success to fall foul of such situations during the Test and pick up a grade three disqualification. Stray dogs, stray Pedestrians (of whom there are many) and particularly very young children playing in quiet side streets all present very real and demanding hazards during the Test.

All of the above hazards can be planned for and an in-depth preparation for the Driving Test covering all the points mentioned will go a long way to achieving success.

We are going to end this article as we began by stating that passing the Driving Test is only the beginning of a career on the road and that it would be a good idea to contemplate taking some additional Night-time and Motorway lessons before embarking on any long journeys or adventures. There is an ever increasing army of novice Drivers coming onto the roads here in Ireland and this will continue to grow in line with the population increase we are currently experiencing .All new immigrants should regard it as a top priority to take professional Driving lessons and certainly not leave this until a couple of weeks before the Test appointment.

About the Author

About the Author.
Robin Piggott is the owner of Astral School of Motoring which is based in Limerick, Ireland .He has thirty five years of Driving Experience and has driven Professionally for most of this time, including teaching in house.

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5 Things You Need To Know Before Deciding On A Certification


by: Michael Smoke

The right certification training

Trainings vary a lot when it comes to quality. It's essential to choose your certification training provider based on things such as the quality of materials, trainers' competence and skills, counseling facilities, track record etc. A good trainer is essential because you can learn from his real life's experience.


Usually, the cost of the training is a big issue for people, sometimes even a deciding factor. But the price shouldn't be your only factor for choosing a certification training or institution. Always think about the present and future opportunities and not the costs involved to get there. It's not wise to save money by choosing an inferior training. But, remember that not always high cost means high quality.

Commitment and motivation

Keep in mind that the best instructors in the world or world class facilities cannot learn for you. You have to be committed to learning. Lack of commitment is a big problem and usually arises due to lack of motivation. In most of the cases, this will 'help' you become one of those persons that pay the training fee just to collect the certificate. By becoming one of those persons, you just waste time and money. The certificate won't help you as much as the knowledge gained during the training through classes and exercises. So, keep in mind the reasons you are there (this helps you stay motivated) and be prepared to learn and to apply what you have learned.

The right training model

Your skill and motivation level are two important factors that need to be take into consideration when choosing your certification training solution. Also consider financial constraints and available study time. All these factors are used to find the right training model for you. Instructor-led trainings are considered the most effective means of acquiring skills and knowledge, because they seem to achieve more for students than any other training options, especially when it comes to more difficult exercises. However, if you already have some practical skills and/or you don't have the time to attend the instructor-led training, other learning options are available to you (books, practice tests, computer based training and even online learning). If you find yourself in this situation, a blend of learning on your own and classroom learning might be the right thing for you.

Soft skills

Almost all of the certification trainings focus on the acquisition of tech skills and knowledge. However. in order to build a career in IT, there are more things to be taken into consideration that technical skills and knowledge alone. You need soft skills to become more valuable. These skills include presentation, communications, marketing and project management, just to name a few. Tech skills and certification training decisions are important, but if can't market yourself, advancing in your career will be a very difficult task. Attitude is another important thing in the real world, because altitude will be determined by your attitude. Also develop your professional skills and always practice in an ethical manner.

I know that the time and effort involved with training can be intimidating, but keep in mind that in this constantly changing world lead by information and communications technologies, investing in your education is the best investment you can ever make.

About the Author: From networking to database administration to programming, http://www.ExamGuru.net offers a wide variety of IT training guides to help you achieve your certification and career goals.

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Culinary Employment Prospects


by: Dilip Shaw

Preface: Preface: Want to join the food industry? Why not know your employment prospects before you finalize your decision to study in culinary schools.

Where do you want to go? The world of Culinary Arts is one of the fastest growing fields in the United States and beyond. Where you go is up to you and how hard you are prepared to work. The same applies to how much you earn. If you decide to stay in the local area you are likely to earn between $8-$14. On the other hand, a line cook in San Francisco earns $10 to $22 per hour. A chef in fine dining restaurant or hotel can earn in excess of $100,000 per year. (Please understand it takes many years of hard work and dedication to reach this kind of salary.)

You may choose to work in any of the following types of establishments:

Nursing homes, hospitals, hotels, catering companies, casinos, cruise ships, trains, country clubs, private clubs, restaurants, research and development labs, resorts (ranging from a summer resort to one of the Disney properties), and wineries to name but a few. You may decide to travel and look for opportunities abroad. Whatever you decide to do, the education you will receive in Culinary Schools will help take you to the future of your choice.

The employment prospects for graduates of this program are positive. Future employment growth is above average and it is expected that new graduates will experience little difficulty finding work in the food and beverage industry. These are considered to be active recruitment occupations.

The restaurant industry employs 11 million people, making it the nation's largest employer outside of the government. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the restaurant industry's growth will be 30 per cent over the next two years. Industry professionals and owners indicate that the biggest challenge facing the industry is finding educated, competent, and well-trained management personnel to handle this growth.

In the next decade, the travel and food industry will be a leader in creating new jobs, in generating more revenue, in paying out more salaries and wages, and in offering great professional opportunities.

What are your interests? Owning your own restaurant? Chef? Food Buyer? Restaurant Manager? No matter what your interests are, a career in the food industry offers challenges and variety.

Many different segments of jobs exist in the food service industry. Excellent opportunities exist for individuals at all job levels in department store food service; airline in-flight food service, school, college, and university food service; hospitals and nursing homes; city and country clubs; business and industry; parks and recreation; and the military services which employ civilians to manage clubs and other food and lodging facilities. Food Service is the single largest segment in the industry.

Because the food industry serves the needs of the public, the majority of people working in this industry are in constant contact with customers. Its a people-oriented profession. Individuals preparing for careers in the Food Industry must understand that their responsibilities are likely to include daily interaction with customers. Social skills and the ability to communicate effectively with others are important assets for anyone planning such a career. An interest in meeting guests’ needs and solving their problems is a primarily requisite for success in this field along with reliability, dedication, and willingness to work hard.

Career opportunities are bright for the food industry. Since this is one of the fastest growing industries, trained and knowledgeable managers are in demand. For the person who is dedicated, outgoing, and willing to work odd hours, promotions come easily. We invite you to share the bright picture of the future of Food Service as it continues to grow, expand, and create tremendous new opportunities throughout the nation. There has never been a better time than now for people to enter the Food Service Industry.

Culinary Artist - Specializes in French & Thai Cuisine
Date Posted : 14 - Feb - 2005
Website : http://www.best-cooking-school-culinary-arts-schools-classes.com

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